Tuesday, October 4, 2016

People will not remember what you say, what you tell them. But they'll never forget how you make 'em feel...

from Rush Limbaugh.

I usually have conservative talk radio on while I'm working around the house.  In the morning it's Rush, and starting at noon it's Sean Hannity.  Three o'clock ushers in Glenn Beck, who is slowly going insane.  I sometimes leave him on because it's a bit like watching a car wreck in slow motion.

A number of days ago Rush said something that jumped out at me.  I thought it was so important that I searched his archives to see if I could find the exact quote.  I did, and I've posted it below so you can read it in context.

The main thrust of his comments were encapsulated in the title of this post.  Like Rush, I also lament the role "feelings" have in our culture - from "if it feels good, do it" to making intellectual decisions based on how you "feel" and not facts.

The reason Rush's statement spoke to me is it reminded me of the times I've said, "If I'm feeling down, watching a Trump rally perks me up."  You just can't get more "feeling" than that.  It all feeds into a book I'm currently reading about Emotional Agility, by Susan Davis.  One of the things that makes us human is our emotions.
[...]Emotionally agile people are not immune to stresses and setbacks. The key difference is that they know how to adapt, aligning their actions with their values and making small but powerful changes that lead to a lifetime of growth. Emotional agility is not about ignoring difficult emotions and thoughts; it’s about holding them loosely, facing them courageously and compassionately, and then moving past them to bring the best of yourself forward.
Those of us who not only support Trump, but do so without holding our noses, have a lot of emotion wrapped up in his candidacy.  How many of you have lost friends or been marginalized, even by family, for supporting Trump?  We've been called "deplorable" and "irredeemable" by the democratic nominee and accused of being racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and Islamaphobic.  An emotionally agile person would never accept that premise.  I certainly don't.  Do you?

There's a certain desire for the vindication a Trump win would accomplish.  "We'll show you, libtards!"  I know that's so for me.  There's also a deep emotional fear of a Clinton presidency based on facts.  Also true for me.

But, I also think it's possible to wed facts and intellectualism with emotion.  I've watched many, many Trump rallies.  I've carefully studied his demeanor, his body language, along with the words he uses.  I've also noticed the attendees all seem to be having a great time and exude happiness - even joy.  It doesn't appear, at least to me, the same as the over-the-top reaction that Obama elicited.

After careful study of the facts, I know one thing for sure.  Trump represents the possibility of real positive change. And that, my friends, is what I feel.

What do you feel?

Rush transcript:

RUSH: If you establishment types really, really want to understand how Trump supporters look at this -- if you really do -- let me remind you of something. By the way, I'm proud of how often I'm seeing this pop up in columns and opinion pieces. It is something I have been reminding people over the past month. You guys in the Drive-Bys in analyzing Hillary's debate, you're judging rhetoric. You're judging the spoken word.

That's how you define intelligence (muttering), "It's intellectualspeak. You communicate (muttering) so you're really, really smart, really... Obama does intellectualspeak. It's a specific pattern of speech to make everybody think the person is very smart." People don't remember that. Like today. People don't remember what anybody said in that debate, and, by the end of the day today, they really won't. But they're not gonna forget how they felt during that debate.

You know, I'm one of these guys that I lament the role feelings plays in so much of our culture, but I can't deny it, and this is unalterably true. Unless you have a particularly advanced power of communication skill like I do, people do remember what I say. Most people do not. But they never forget how you make 'em feel. And I'm telling you: Hillary didn't make anybody feel special that night. She came across as robotic, a witch with a capital "B." Trump inspired feelings among his supporters that they enjoyed and wanted more of. It's how you have to look at this in part.

[...]They want Trump to say it was a disaster. Of course they do! I maintain to you... Again, everybody saw the same debate; it's just that they see it different ways. They're looking for different things. And, as I say, I'm really proud. I must tell you this. A little bromide of mine is being picked up in countless places. I can't tell you how many times I've seen this just in the last week. It's this. It's real simple. People will not remember what you say, what you tell them. But they'll never forget how you make 'em feel. And Hillary is never going to win that one.
It's worth reading the whole transcript HERE


Liberty's Torch:   The Better Part: A Midweek Rumination

Virtual Mirage:  Meditation

Brandon Smith:   How The ‘Deplorables’ Can Save America 

Mychal Massie:  What We Can Expect If Election Is Stolen From Trump

Janice Shaw Cross:  Why a Well Read Woman with an Earned Doctorate Will Vote for Trump 


I'm looking forward to watching squeaky clean Mike Pence up against sloppy/messy "good Catholic" (not) Tim Kaine this evening.  The Cheetos are waiting - both crunchy and puffy.