Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Does studying history put things into perspective?...

yes it does.

I've been reading a delightful biography on Louisa Catherine Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams, who was the sixth president of the U.S.  His father, John Adams, was the second president of the U.S. and served only one term when he was defeated by Thomas Jefferson.

It would be impossible to write about John Quincy Adams' wife without delving into the politics of the day, which in many ways mirror much of what is going on today.  Some of the machinations make our present day politicians look tame by comparison.

It was during this period that Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton during a duel.  So, just for a moment, close your eyes and imagine Trump and Hillary pacing off in a duel.  Isn't that a happy vision?  You're welcome.

It's haircut day, so I will be scarce for awhile.  Please feel free to avail yourself of the toys in the sandbox, but please remember the rules:
  • Use your inside voices
  • Keep the sand in the sandbox
  • Share the toys 
“Drawing on a rich trove of letters, diaries, and memoirs, historian and journalist Thomas has created an enthralling, sharply etched portrait of Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams (1775-1852), the wife of America's sixth president…Thomas effectively sets Louisa’s eventful life against the backdrop of a nation transforming itself, debating foreign and domestic policy, including slavery, which John Quincy vehemently opposed. An elegant, deeply perceptive portrait.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred