Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Michelle Obama shakes her booty in solidarity with France...

no, really - she did.

From the Daily Mail:
Michelle Obama brought Broadway and some of its brightest stars to the White House on Monday to host a workshop and celebrate performing arts students from around the country.
Gloria Estefan, legendary composer Andrew Llyod Webber, Whoopi Goldberg, and Glee star Matthew Morrison were just some of the big names welcomed to the East Room on Monday.
Estefan sang music from On Your Feet!, a show based on the story of her life, and Morrison sang music from Finding Neverland.
Other performances featured music from Fun Home, An American in Paris, School of Rock, and Something Rotten.
The first lady told the 40 ‘extraordinary’ high school students that her famous guests were there to help them.
‘These folks are here today to honor you and to hopefully inspire you,’ she said.
‘They’re also here with an important message for you about what it takes to succeed, not just on Broadway, but in life’, she said, according to the Huffington Post.
The students participated in workshops on acting, directing, singing, costume design, makeup and musical composition.
And Obama made sure to show off some of her famous moves while dancing with Estefan and choreographer Sergio Trujillo to the singer’s hit song Conga.
She managed to say something really stupid about the terror attack in Paris:

'As my husband said on Friday, this was an attack not just on France, our dear friend and ally, but on all of humanity and our shared values.' 

'And as we mourn, we know that we must continue to show the strength of those values and hopes that the President spoke about when he talked.' 

'And the beauty is that all of you here, our young people that are here, you all reflect that passion, that creativity. You all are a part of those values that the President talked about.'
'That's what we're protecting. We're protecting what you all represent.' 
I don't recall Odumbo talking about values.  He has no values. And, no, Mooch - those kids do not in any way, shape, or form represent me or my values. 
Warning:  Please have a certified barf bag handy before viewing these pictures.  You're welcome.
 After getting all that heavy duty mourning out of the way, we commenced to boogie.

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