Monday, November 16, 2015

Idaho Governor Otter to Obama: Stop importing refugees...

way to go Butch!

Idaho joining 16 other states refusing to take any refugees from Syria.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                                            
November 16, 2015                                                                                                                                (208) 334-2100


(BOISE) – Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter called on President Obama today to halt the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program until the vetting process for all foreigners crossing U.S. borders is fully reviewed and state concerns about the program are addressed.

“It makes no sense under the best of circumstances for the United States to allow people into our country who have the avowed desire to harm our communities, our institutions and our people,” Governor Otter said. “The savage and senseless ISIS-driven attacks in Paris illustrate the essential inhumanity of terrorism and make it clearer than ever that we must make protecting our homeland from this threat our primary focus.”

In a letter to President Obama, the Governor urged him to join in shouldering the “shared priority” of safety for American citizens.

“While I understand that immigration and refugee resettlement are authorized under federal law, I am duty-bound to do whatever I can to protect the people of Idaho from harm,” Governor Otter wrote. “Instead of Congress rubber-stamping this program each year, we ask that you and Congress work with states and governors to thoroughly review this process and how states are affected.”

Meantime, he vowed to “use any legal means available to me to protect the citizens I serve.”

“It is my desire, and should be your goal, to reassure the people of Idaho that their views are respected and that consideration is given to enabling states to opt out of the refugee resettlement program,” wrote Governor Otter, who is traveling to Las Vegas on Tuesday for a Republican Governors Association meeting and will discuss the issue with his colleagues.

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