Sunday, June 28, 2015

It's 2:37 pm...

and the temp just hit 102°...

heading for 105°...

I think it will be higher.

Thank goodness, the humidity is only 20%.

However, (sorry Pope Francis);

we splurged on a portable air conditioner, and we couldn't be any more happy with the performance.
LG Electronics LP1214GXR 12,000-BTU 115V Portable Air Conditioner with LCD Remote Control
It's rated to cool 450 square feet.  Our house is about 1700 square feet.  We located it in the living room which is open to the dining room and kitchen.  Those three areas are super-duper cool.  We put a floor fan at the opening to the hallway and three of the four bedrooms.  One is the room where hubby teaches. We closed that door.  Across the hall is his office and it's fairly cool in there.  My office is the last on at the end of the hallway, and it's the warmest, but still doable.  The master suite is off the living room and it's also cool. 

You may color us impressed. 

 And, yes - that is cat food on the side table.  Little Erica is getting older and has a bum shoulder.  Her old dining spot on the dryer was just too high for her to be jumping on and off.  This turned out to be the best place for her to snack on her dry food.  She eats her wet food in the laundry room right next to her best doggie friend, Frankie.  And, wait for it, he never, ever bothers her or her food.  Good doggie.