If you think this has nothing to do with you, you may want to think it through a bit more thoroughly. There is a war being waged on Christians and if you consider yourself a Christian, you are in the cross hairs. Next up will be an attack on the churches. Notice these vile creeps never go after a Muslim bakery or florist?
State and city laws that have added homosexuality to its list of non-discrimination laws is doing nothing more than making a protected class for behavior.
From: The Christian Post
The recent events surrounding the court case against a Christian-owned bakery in Oregon are so surreal that they almost defy imagination.
The case itself has been well publicized.
In 2013, the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Aaron and Melissa Klein, politely declined to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple, as a result of which they were taken to court and charged with discrimination based on sexual orientation.
On Friday, Oregon's Bureau of Labor recommended that the Klein's be fined a total of $135,000 to compensate "for the emotional suffering they [the lesbian couple] experienced."
Because a Christian couple cannot, in good conscience, bake a wedding cake for a homosexual couple, they are fined $135,000?
Let that sink in: $135,000 for not baking a cake.
[...] On Friday, shortly after the fine was announced, an account for the Klein's was set up on GoFundMe, and in about 8 hours, more than $109,000 was raised for them. And then suddenly the page was taken down.
What happened?
According to Jay Richards, "A competitor of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Lisa Watson of Cupcake Jones, contacted GoFundMe to alert the crowd-funding company that the Klein's had violated the terms of service," as a result of which they disabled the campaign.
This is what Watson wrote to GoFundMe: "This business has been found GUILTY OF DISCRIMINATION and is being allowed to fund-raise to pay their penalty. The GoFundMe terms of service address hate speech, bigotry, criminal activity and sexism among other things in their campaign … The amount of money they have raised in a matter of a few hours by thousands of anonymous cowards is disgusting." Read the rest
Thanks to Franklin Graham for stepping forward and continuing the campaign for the Klein's on his Samaritan's Purse website.