Thursday, November 6, 2014

Adventures in Canning: Apples and more Peppers...

and if Russia fires up it's malware, we may need it. 

Only one of our four apples trees gave us apples this year.  The trees seem to run on an every other year schedule.  Last year the other three had so many apples I thought the branches would break.

We had a wind storm that blew all the apples off the tree so it was just a matter of picking them up.  I'm guessing it was well over 25 pounds of apples.

7 quarts of apples and I still have a huge bag of apples.  I think they'll be prepped for baking and go into the freezer.


 a little bonus for after dinner.

I use lard for the crust and when I realized I had no lard I substituted butter.  We shall see how it turns out. We only have pie a few times a year, so this will be a treat.

The last of the peppers from the garden.  Who says man doesn't live on peppers alone?  They'd be wrong.

4 quart yeild