Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Is the Catholic Church in bed with the Obama administration?...

of course they are.

No, not every priest or bishop, but the ones who cause the most trouble most certainly are.

This started happening when I was but a wee little one.  To be fair, it really started happening when Eve coerced Adam into eating the forbidden fruit, but I missed that event.

Any Catholic who doesn't believe this is happening is not paying attention.

I leave you with some wise words from Ann Barnhardt and a link to Judi McLeod's article in today's Canada Free Press.

From Ann Barnhardt:


As an opening to this repost, I have to link to Judi McLeod’s piece from today “The Road to Hell Obama is taking the world down created by U.S. Catholic Bishops”.  In it she restates the myriad connections between the infiltrator Communist-sodomite bishops and priests in the Catholic Church, Saul Alinsky and the Chicago Communist Machine that spawned Obama.  I stand foursquare behind Judi’s piece, because it is true.  It does not contain one shred of anti-Catholicism any more than a stage-4 cancer diagnosis contains racism.

When I have screeched, caterwauled and POUNDED for the last however many years that the Catholic Church has been massively infiltrated by Communists over the last century, who then actively recruited homosexuals, I haven’t been merely throwing around mindless pejoratives.  When I make posts about the Eucharist and the catastrophic changes made to the Mass in the 1960s, I hope that some of you out there have the light bulb go on over your head and realize that IT’S ALL CONNECTED.  If you want a conspiracy theory that is ACTUALLY TRUE, and has more meat on it than you could possibly imagine, this is it.  

Everything we are seeing happening right now in real time before our very eyes: Obama, the overthrow of the US and the attendant run-up to World War 3, the reformation of the islamic Caliphate, the economic crimes and creation of catastrophic debt loads, the destruction of the healthcare delivery matrix, the transformation of education into contra-education, the destruction of and hatred of beauty and the elevation and worship of ugliness, and the ascendancy of the satanic sodomite anti-culture, all of this – all of it, can be traced back without too many degrees of separation to these Communist-sodomite infiltrators of the Church and the attempted destruction of the Church, with the primary and “keystone” target being the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  The reason why Western Civilization has capitulated to this attack with near-zero resistance is because of the mass-apostasy caused directly and as-intended by the “reforms” subsequent to the Second Vatican Council.    

And just to reiterate, I will never, ever, ever leave the Church, because I do not worship men, I worship God, and God physically subsists nowhere else, and salvation is possible through no other means than the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.  Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.  No matter how complete the infiltration is, no matter how utterly, utterly horrific the pope may be, I will never, ever, abandon Our Lord or the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  The Church is never more like Christ, and never closer to Him in this Vale of Tears, than when she is scourged and crucified by her own, just as her Divine Spouse was.  Read the rest
From Judi McLeod:

The Road to Hell Obama is taking the world down created by U.S. Catholic Bishops

The Catholic Church—through the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration—both paved the road for Barack Hussein Obama’s ultimate takeover of Free West society and continues to actively enable the Fundamental Transformation of America by sinking the US in a tsunami of illegal aliens.

In coming to Obama’s aid in erasing forever America’s borders, the bishops sold the USA out, including its Catholics, for the proverbial 30 pieces of silver.

In biblical terms, Obama and the Catholic bishops—who both birthed his progress to the seat of power and back him on his Fundamental Transformation mission—are in in league with the devil. The certain-to-come protestations of the bishops should fall on the same deaf ears they use to shun all pleas of mercy from Americans overwhelmed by invaders in their home towns and cities.

How dare these phony paragons of the pulpit ascribe to our Savior the manufactured invasion of America by millions of U.S. government made-to-order ‘refugees’?

It’s a crock that the bishops are saving illegal aliens rushing the U.S. border based on lofty claims of altruism or charity, when they are doing it for power and filthy lucre:
Read the rest


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