Obama listens to a typical little college student with really bad posture talk about the plight of her parents who have both lost their jobs.
You can see the concern written all over his face. /sarc
via New York Post:
Already under attack by critics who say he’s lost interest in his job, President Obama added fuel to the fire on Thursday with a drowsy appearance in Texas.
A heavy-lidded Obama struggled to keep his head up during a one-on-one talk in an Austin cafe with a college student whose parents lost their jobs last year.
Kinsey Button, a junior at the University of Texas at Austin, huddled with the president in a booth at the Magnolia Cafe, where he ordered hot tea and she sipped coffee while discussing her parents’ plight.
I'm headed out to work. See you later.
Play nice while I'm gone.
While I'm gone here is a great article to read about Common Core:
We Desperately Need To Stop The Exploitation Of Our Children
Our children are being exploited. This exploitation must be stopped. This time I am not speaking about Stacy Lynne or Monika Wesolowski, both mothers, who have had their children ripped away from them in political retaliation for their beliefs. In this article, I am not identifying the unimaginable horrors of CPS and the devastation that they visit upon our nation’s family structure.This time, I am talking about an institution in which the majority of the people working there, actually do care what happens to our children. However, this does not change the fact that our children are being exploited, mostly for profit, as our children attend the nation’s schools.
Our children are being exploited socially, economically and politically. As your child goes back to school this fall, how do you know what they are learning will provide maximum benefit to their future? How do we know that Common Core is the panacea for education that Obama and his minions claim that it is? We cannot be sure, because Common Core has never had to prove itself with substantial and scientific research. The evidence supporting Common Core is all anecdotal, at best. In fact, some of the tenets of Common Core has been tried before, just under a different name. read the rest