Sunday, June 22, 2014

Things I miss about Texas...

in no particular order.

I moved to Houston when I was 17 and lived there about 17 years.

1. Whataburger:

 This is the first Whataburger which opened in Corpus Christi.  It looks almost identical to the one we often ate at in Houston.

2.  San Jacinto Inn

The Inn, located at the Houston ship channel, closed in 1987, but it remains a fond memory for many people.

All you could eat seafood (can you say piles upon piles of shrimp and whole crabs?) served family style, followed by fried chicken, light and fluffy biscuits, and washed down with carafes of ice cold Chablis.  Heaven.

3. Mecom fountain at Main and Montrose in front of what was then the Warwick Hotel and the entrance to Hermann Park.  In particular I miss the several times a year the kids "soaped" the fountain.  Can you say bubbles??

I've seen it so soaped that the bubbles would run across the road.

4. Popping off to Galveston at a moment's notice to hang out on the beach.  You used to be able to drive on West beach.

 Added bonus was buying shrimp fresh off the shrimper's boats and making huge pots of file gumbo.  (File' (pronounced fee-lay) is the traditional table condiment used in gumbo.)

Here's something I don't miss:

Sweet tea.

Ugh, ugh, ugh

I still remember the first time I saw someone dump a bucket full of sugar into their iced tea and stir. and stir, and stir.  The undissolved sugar would still be an inch or more deep on the bottom of the glass.  And then - they actually drank it.  WTHell?