Thursday, October 10, 2013

Have we become too connected?...

smartphones, computers, Facebook, Twitter - all clamoring for our attention. 

I practice a bit of reverse snobbery when it comes to all this.  I don't have a smartphone.  Why the hell would I want a phone that's smarter than me?  We do have a Tracfone for emergencies which I never remember to take with me.

I don't text.  I remember witnessing a friend having an argument with her brother by texting back and forth.  I couldn't help thinking a phone call would have been much better and easier.

I still find Twitter incomprehensible.

And Facebook?  Good grief.  We're raising a generation of narcissistic imbeciles who post picture after picture of themselves doing all sorts of "cool" things. Can you say duck face? The adults are really no better.  Do I really care what you had for dinner?  My all time favorite, though, are the adults who announce to the entire world when they'll be on vacation.  They may as well leave their doors wide open and a note for the thief's (thieves?) telling them where the goodies are located.

But...............................oh, the computer.  Dear Lord, the time that can be squandered on my desk top is horrific.  No, really!  The worse times are when I'm tired, and who wouldn't be tired after untold hours of staring at a glowing screen.

From now on my computer time is going to be severely limited... 

(The above is being posted without my editor's approval.  Please insert (or remove) any errant commas, ignore bad sentence structure, and otherwise cut me some slack.  Thank you in advance.)

From: Mark's Daily Apple

The Physiological Consequences of Being Hyperconnected
When most people, myself included, discuss the negative effects of staying glued to our smartphones, computers, tablets, and social networking sites at all times, they often focus on everything we miss out on: meaningful interpersonal interactions, quality time spent with our significant others, a beautiful sunset/rise, good books, quality sleep, a great hike, the felt presence of immediate experience, that car barreling down the street toward us as we head into the crosswalk focused on who liked our Facebook post. And those are all important reasons to limit your screen time, but recent research is revealing a series of physiological, physical, and psychological ramifications to being hyperconnected all the time.

According to a recent survey of people in 65 countries, 73.4% of people own a smartphone. Those with smartphones check them an average of 110 times per day, which amounts to every five or six minutes spread out over a twelve hour period. Another study found a slightly higher frequency - 150 times per day. That’s a lot of people with instant, constant access to email, social networking, and text messaging. Not all of them will suffer all or most of these negative effects, but the draw of checking  your phone “just one more time real quick” is obviously difficult to resist. Heck, most people don’t even try to resist it, because staying connected and apprised of everything everywhere can only be a good thing, right?

Let’s take a look at some of the possible consequences:  read the rest

Here's a "duck face" I can appreciate:

More pics HERE

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