Some random thoughts:
- Something about the reaction to Pope Francis makes me uneasy.
- Exactly how did our culture become so degraded?
- The devil is the master of division.
- How "free" are we really?
- Could a Cyprus "solution" be possible here? Actually, I think the bank and auto bailouts were exactly that.
Mr. Ainsworth gets off to a bit of a rocky start, but quickly ramps up. The information is sound and appears to be more forest than trees. This is part one and it will take you forward to the other 8 parts. Each part is rather short, so please don't perceive this as a huge time investment. Besides, aren't you tired of sound bites?
After watching this this article at SHTF Plan is excellent:
The Real Reasons Why The Liberty Movement Is Preparing To Fight
In other random news: Never smack at a random button on your computer which makes your task bar and start menu disappear - unless, of course, you are a tech wizard. I did just that and it took me an hour of my already busy day to restore. I know you techies are laughing your rear patoots off, but it was another learning experience I didn't really have time for. My two newest commands for future use are: Ctl + Esc and Ctl+Alt+Delete and the new task called explorer.exe. On top of that I am now familiar with F11.
Other good reads:
Conservatives on Fire: Obama Puts Agenda 21 On Steroids
Sentry Journal: Propaganda Against Patriots Continues to Escalate
RWN: The Coming Obamacare Backlash
The Blaze: MO Judge Strikes Down Religious Birth Control Exemption: ‘A Radical Departure From America’s Tradition of Religious Freedom’
Moonbattery: Thomas Perez: Another Thumb in America’s Eye
Bunkerville: Obama: ‘Prolonged Detention’ otherwise known as FEMA Camps