Wednesday, March 20, 2013

In the Spotlight:

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton, who maintains  Noisy Room,  and also contributes to  New Zeal, and Gulag Bound, seems to be everywhere important and can turn out prodigious amounts of extremely good material.   Somehow she manages to do all this while running a very successful business, Monroe Virtual Services.

Terresa also has a Facebook page, a Twitter account, and does it all while managing to be seriously pretty.

I have no idea of how she does this when I can't even keep my blog linkage sorted out. Maybe some day she'll share her secret. In the meantime, she gives me inspiration and something to which to aspire. 

That being said, she has a very good article on Common Core Curriculum, the Marxist-influenced garbage the feds are trying to ram down our throats.  H/T Always On Watch.

Marxism in Education: Infiltration of Our School Systems by the Common Core Standards

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