what's going on.
Reaganite Republican: My Own Personal Tale Regarding Drinking and Driving this Holiday Season
Camp of the Saints: ‘An Ayn Rand Christmas’?!?
Sentry Journal: No more secret deals: It’s time for conservatives to put Obama on defense
Capitalist Preservation: Auto workers at GM & Ford score big bonuses while taxpayers still shutout on bailout payback
Bungalow Bill: BBCW Wacky Liberal of the Year 2012: #9 Dianne Feinstein
Daley Gator: President Obama at Daniel Innouye’s funeral: But enough about the dead guy, let’s talk about me
Les Femmes: More about Fr. Luke from Newtown
and a day with Chuck Woolery is a good day, indeed...
"The real assault weapon is the liberal media."
Can we hear a big Amen?