Freedom Works: Tell Your Representative to Cosponsor the State Nutrition Assistance Flexibility Act
MOTUS: Game Show Host Candy was Dandy
Maggie's Notebook: Obama: “Candy Check the Transcript” and She Did – Collusion Comes to Mind
The Economic Collapse: The Last Days Of America? 25 Signs Of Extreme Social Decay
Da Tech Guy: Abortion without Trauma? Really? (An excellent "must read.")
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The Rainy View: Election and Life: What Can a Catholic Do?...
who also wins the coveted quote of the day award:
Being Catholic means more than liking the sound of the word. It means more than liking Christmas Mass. It means more than believing in God, thinking Jesus was a cool guy and liking to wear a rosary. It means much more than that plus being baptized and accepting several Church teachings and also, liking to help people. It means accepting everything in the Creed, and also being strongly pro-life, believing in humility, honesty and chastity, attending Mass regularly and confessing regularly, believing that the Eucharist is actually the Body and Blood of Christ (to help people like me, who have a lot of trouble with that, there have been miracles to drive it home), and also accepting the connection between solidarity and subsidiarity. read it all

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