Monday, January 30, 2012

Brigitte Gabriel, founder of "ACT! for America" speaks out...

and we should be listening.

This is a much see...

From the ACT! for America website:
ACT! for America was founded by Brigitte Gabriel, a Lebanese immigrant who came to the United States after losing her country of birth to militant Muslim fundamentalists during the Lebanese Civil War.

ACT! for America is a non-partisan, non-sectarian organization whose mission is to give Americans concerned about national security, terrorism, and the threat of radical Islam, a powerful, organized, informed and mobilized voice.  

Whether the specific threat is violent jihad, stealth jihad, the advance of sharia law, the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, or the scourge of political correctness which is enabling the rise of radical Islam, ACT! for America stands ready to take action as the largest national security grassroots organization in America.  

Through informed community action, education, public policy initiatives and grassroots lobbying, ACT! for America is successfully combating the threat of radical Islam. 

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