Monday, November 7, 2011

Herman Cain accuser...

makes statement. 

I visited TMZ where 99.9% of the commenters think the story is a load of poo.  I think we can all agree that TMZ could not be called a partisan political site. 

What do I think?  Glad you asked.

If that ridiculous statement is the best this out-of-work woman can come up with, the men of this country are in big trouble. According to her she's just doing her civic duty and standing up for the rights of women everywhere.  How noble of her.

Let me clue you in Ms. Bialek to some facts of life.  Even if your story had a whiff of credibility, it means the worse thing we could say about Herman Cain is he made a pass at a woman who sent major signals of availability.  Before anyone accuses me of blaming the "victim" we're not talking about anything that amounts to more than a guy making a pass at a woman.  Grow up, Ms. Bialek.  It goes on all the time. 

Credible accusations don't need to be presented at press conferences with Gloria Allred standing at your side.   And, really - the visuals of crazy out-of-control black man after lily-white blond is almost laughable.  Wonder what would have happened if Bill Clinton was banging a black woman in the oval office.