Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Who's funding a bunch of losers to sit around on Wall Street?

It doesn't take too long to figure out where the money is coming from.  Jammie Wearing Fool did the research and came up with an answer.

There are some people who are taking this whole thing very seriously.  Sword At-The-Ready has an interesting post  Occupy Wall Street – Lighting The Fuse To Begin A Bloodbath.

He links to another interesting site, Mark America, who posted  The Radical Left Moves Against America

Glenn Beck has a Warning from Anonymous.  Is it credible?  You be the judge.

Reaganite Republican says:   Get Past the MSM's Bright Candy Coating and You'll Gag on the Stench of Marxism...

MOTUS may be entertaining but there's plenty of red meat in her posts:  Lyin’s, Black Panthers and Fares…Oh My!

I have more to say but I must dash off for a haircut...

As always:

Play nice while I'm gone, use your inside voices, and share the toys.   


Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Don't get a haircut like mine.

As far as Wall Street ... it's the Chicago (or commie) way. Bring on the union thugs and uneducated youth.

Randy-g said...

We have to share toys again?

Amusing Bunni said...

We know who's funding those loosers. And, now the unions are showing up! Head busting can't be far behind. Hope your haircut turns out great!

republicanmother said...

George Soros IS wall street. The Wall Street people did this same thing with the Bolsheviks. They funded communist propaganda and anti-communist propaganda at the same time.

My verdict: A big distraction.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, things like this don't happen without someone paying for it.