Monday, October 24, 2011

The story of Adlai Grace...Updated

 Adlai Grace = God is Just...

Love Wins 

A note to readers: Thank you so much for stopping by and reading about little Adlai Grace.  I need to make something a bit more clear (sloppy writing on my part.) I am not Wendy nor do I have any relationship to Adlai Grace.  I have been following the story since I first heard about it several weeks ago.  Here is a link to "Justice for Adlai Grace" on Facebook.  Adlai's Face book page is here.

Adlai Grace suffered greatly because of a human being. Discarded like a piece of trash, she was found on a dirt road with a severe spinal injury that left her paralyzed and incontinent. But she was scoped up from the muck and mire, came to live in a loving home, and became a true example of grace and love and hope to this world. May her light live on in us all.

 On Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at about 1pm, little Adlai Grace had another serious pain/breathing attack. She didn’t make it thru this one.

Here is Wendy’s summation of what happened that afternoon …
“For those who are asking what happened: Adlai’s injury was high enough up the spinal column that it affected her breathing….much like Christopher Reeves who had to live on a ventilator. She would get excited or have a pain attack and her breathing would go from labored to gasping for air. She had had another pain/breathing attack around 1pm today and was unable to catch her breath. She passed quickly and unexpectedly in my arms. I am devastated.”
We all were and STILL are, devastated by this sad turn of events for Adlai Grace. But the fact that she did as well as she did over the past weeks is a true miracle and testament to her “spirit” and the love of her “mom”, Wendy!

While the precious little Adlai is no longer with us, she has also left a bit of a legacy that all of us can help to continue. AND that is to keep raising awareness about and help with the fight against the animal cruelty that little Adlai and her siblings suffered from. This kind of stuff should NOT be happening in our society. More people need to be made aware of this in the hope that better legislation be sought to try and prevent this type of abuse. Help Put A STOP To Animal Cruelty! PLEASE let YOUR lawmakers know that you want TOUGHER laws against animal abuse/cruelty!  source with a wonderful video