Odie, the Woodsterman, left this in the combox:
If you have a chance, get over to Inno's and read his latest on this. You'll laugh so hard you'll cry.
He was right. Warning: Keep your mouth free of all liquids.
Below the fold is a transcript of an Occutard's iPhone video diary. Like everything else about OWS, it is vile and offensive and those with delicate sensibilities should consider not reading it.
Day 1
I just arrived at the occupation after a long train ride from Bakersfield. There isn't much of an OccupyBakersfield - just a couple guys on Harleys drinking beer. Which really isn't any different from any other day in Bakersfield. So I took the train up here. And let me tell you, dude, it is awesome! Communists and anarchists all together living in perfect harmony! This is what the future looks like, man! read the rest