Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bottom Feeders...

Ever notice the people who consider themselves the "99%" are mostly failures who love to blame someone else?

Highlights from Herman Cain's speech at the Value Voters Summit:

A little bedtime tale:

While cruising around Facebook looking at the Occupy Coeur d' Alene event page, I decided to take a gander at the people who had confirmed their attendance.  Lo and behold, who do I see but a high school kid (actually, almost all the attendees are high school kids) who I recognized.

I slipped over to his page and was greeted with pictures of him posed in front of hammer and sickle flags and the person listed as being the most influential for him is Vladamir Lenin.  I'm acquainted with his parents, who are both teachers at North Idaho College.  Mom teaches philosophy and dad teaches ethics.  Hmmmmmm.  Bet those classes are interesting.

This spawn of liberal professors would like to see everything free for everyone, starting, of course, with free higher education.  No mention of how his parents might collect their combined salaries of approximately 150K for teaching six to seven hours per week if no one pays to attend.  In many areas of the country, that is not a large salary, but in North Idaho it affords a pretty comfy life.

Before anyone jumps in here and brings up the issue of all the grading and such these professors have to do on their own time, allow me to mention neither of them assign homework or even make attending class mandatory.  As one reviewer on the "rate my professor site" said, "Easy class, easy pass." 

This boy believes corporations are evil, and should be smashed and replaced with something or other.  No one has actually defined exactly what that "something" is.   And since the occupiers all think corporations are not "people", I'm not quite sure how they can be evil.  It would be like calling a computer evil because you can access porn by way of its magical pixels.

So this little Marxist wannabe stumbles around demanding "stuff" with no concept of where it will come from.   Gee, wonder who turned him on to Lenin.  His parents must be proud. No, really - they're proud.

Some things to read:

Clarice Feldman at American Thinker:    Bored Housewives of Pennsylvania Avenue

Conservatives on Fire:   We Need Our Free Market Capitalism Back!

Political Realities:   Occupy Wall Street – A Personal Observation

Fuzzy Slippers:  Our Civic Responsibility: "Eternal Vigilance By the People" 

Right Klik:  RomneyCare: The Big Lie

Cold Fury:   The OWS model

The republican Mother:  Rule 5 Sunday Detox Link Up

Ordered Liberty:   Mark Steyn on the decline of America as a great power

Ordered Liberty also gives us our:

Quote of the Day
As I have noted elsewhere, given the current state of American society, if a collapse comes, we will be like Argentina minus the culture, the food, the dancing, the music and the sense of style.  We will be like Argentina if it were run by the DMV:  grey culture, grey food, little dancing, unpleasant music and no style.  Think about that.
This is what our president supports: 

Doug Ross:  Unfortunately all-too-real photos:  OWS protesters defecate on, stomp on American flag w/ Update

Don't miss this week's:

Reaganite's Sunday Funnies


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