Thursday, September 1, 2011

Be offline for two days...

 and you're 20 years behind on the news.

While Frontier made my life a living hell by keeping me offline for two days, a matter of great importance happened:  Zilla had her first Blogoversary.  Another reason to hate Frontier.  To celebrate, Zilla put together a monster of a great post:  My First Blogiversary!

See also her post:   Not Safe to Pray in Church, Not Safe to Pray at Home - No Refuge from the Jihad

Happy First Blogoversary, Zilla

Let's help her celebrate...

Bruce McQuain sums this up nicely:  Obama touted solar technology company files for bankruptcy

Moving on to Steve McCann at American Thinker with "Barack Obama, Man of the People"

who gives us our: 

Quote of the Day
He is but another in a long line of those who promote socialism and proclaim to be "of the people" with only the interests of the citizens at heart -- as they duplicitously pursue a personal agenda.   Beyond the unquestioned belief by those on the left that they are the most capable, thus superior and pre-ordained to govern the masses, the traits most common to the vast majority of self-described "progressives" in positions of power are jealousy, greed, and massively inflated delusions of entitlement. read the rest
Thanks to Cold Fury for sending me to see  a graphic that puts our national debt in prespective Understanding the national debt problem by simply lopping off 8 zeros  Chilling!

"Let me be clear"  - people who wish to be identified by the manner in which they engage in sex rather than real accomplishments, are short-changing themselves.

Gay-Themed Military Magazine to Appear Free-of-Charge on Select Army & Air Force Bases

From Doug Ross:    The Big Lie: Farrakhan-backed Islamist Indiana Rep. Andre Carson foments violence using Alinsky-style propaganda against the Tea Party

Lies are what come naturally to the loony left.  Remember Charles Blow and his bad statistics?  Right reason told me the stats Blow quoted in his opinion piece were very, very suspect.   From Newsbusters: Calls Out NYT's Charles Blow For Now-Corrected Obvious Abortion Stat Error

How about the latest smear attempt on Michelle Bachmann who's greatest offense is a belief in God?  Let's grab a video and alter it to make it appear she is asking a crowd if  they "like being white people."  And let's grab that video from non other than Stacy McCain, the king of "trust but verify."  No one ever said lefties were smart.

Liberal Blogger Admits He Fabricated Bachmann 'White People' Video

From Big Government:
Pacific Investment Management Company (PIMCO), the world’s largest manager of bonds, has just released research analysis titled: “Saying No to Keynes and Fiscal Folly”. The report is a dramatic departure for PIMCO; who had fully embraced the Keynesian “pump priming” economics of stimulus spending, bailouts, and corporate interventions. But with the American public now opposed to Keynesian government spending by a stunning two to one margin; PIMCO may just be the first of a coming swarm of powerful elites to abandon Keynesianism for self-preservation.  read the rest
Bride of Rove has the best summation of Obama's latest speech brouhaha I've read  Well. Ok. But …

I hope his speech on "saving or creating jobs" includes telling us about his upcoming trip to Bali.  From Don Surber:  Obama to hit Bali Nov. 19 

Don't miss Right Klik's great new look while checking out:  Tar Sands: Evil 

Thanks to Always on Watch (who thanks Reliapundit of The Astute Bloggers)  for this short depiction of  a typical Obamabot.  I know this guy all too well.

My house guests arrive tonight just after midnight. One way to get your house really, really clean is to have a house guest. Off to finish cleaning, arranging flowers, shopping, and placing chocolates on the pillows. 


Teresa said...

That was a great depiction of an Obamabot. Thanks for posting some great links. Will check them out shortly. Happy cleaning :)

Adrienne said...

Teresa - You can eat off of any surface in my house and my yard. My house never looked so great.

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend...

Zilla said...

Thank you, Adrienne! You have a great round up here as well. I'm glad that you're 'back' even if you'll be busy for a while, I have missed you!
The kitteh in the picture above looks a lot like my cat Zeke. He likes to play dead and lay out on his back just like that.
Husband brought home a new stray cat the other day, daughter named her Allie, she is longhaired and very pretty, but MEAN! She loves husband, but every time one of the other pets make her nervous, she scratches... ME! But I like her anyway I may have to shoot husband though, this brings us back up to SIX cats! (and two dogs, and two kids and a big giant aquarium full of fishies)
Enjoy your company, I hope it is a nice visit.

Patrick Button said...

Great links! That cat picture is quite accurate. What with all the napping, cats are not even good at supervising work!

WomanHonorThyself said...

hope u enjoyed your guests girl! .Back from vacay and website all fixed!..xxooo

Cathy_of_Alex said...

I hear ya. I shovel out the dust about a week before house guests arrive! Wait, you put chocolates on pillows? :-)

Randy-g said...

Chocolates on pillows in the barn? I hope there is also a clock...You have been gone more than two days young lady. You are missed.

Always On Watch said...

I'm late getting here to thank you for the linkage.