Friday, August 12, 2011

Tax the evil rich...

which, if you're having a conversation with a member of the loony left, does not include sport stars, the Hollywood elite, or the President of the United States.

Obama once said, in his best shuck and jive accent, he thought at some point "you've made enough money."  Really?  Well, the majority of the people of this country think you passed that point a long time ago.  You made 5 million dollars last year and yet the taxpayers are funding a huge portion of your elitist vacation in Martha's Vineyard and paying for you to ride around in a bus.  Riding around in a freaking bus? You weren't hired to ride around in a bus or to fly a gas guzzling airplane to give a speech in some obscure manufacturing plant in Holland, Michigan.

For all you loony left lurkers, how about some facts?  You know - those things like 2 + 2 = 4?  Take some time to read the impeccably researched article The Blog Prof has compiled just for you.

Why does CNN point out that majority want higher taxes on the rich, but don't point out that the majority pay no federal income taxes? And that bottom 40% actually get money back?

Reaganite Republican has officially thrown his hat in the ring for Michele Bachmann.  He did have a few good words to say about Romney...

Gipper vs Flipper: Mitt Romney and 'The Most Dangerous Myth'

Oh, oh!  The elitists in New York are not feeling the Obama love anymore: 

From the New York Post:  

NY turns negative on Bam

WASHINGTON -- President Obama might need to start taking a few more campaign trips to New York -- and not just to raise cash.
A stunning new survey gives the president a negative approval rating in the Empire State for the first time, with just 45 percent approval and 49 percent disapproval among voters, according to the latest Quinnipiac University poll.  click on title to read the rest

via Memeorandum

Stacy McCain has his tasseled loafers on the ground in Ames, Iowa and has this to say (plus a pack of great videos.) 


And many thanks to Pundette for leading me to this article by Melanie Phillips at the UK Mail Online

Britain's liberal intelligentsia has smashed virtually every social value


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you caught the Mark Levin rant. I pick him up at his audio replay on his website, for free and almost commercial free. The last week was awesome. Highly recommend. Great post!

Anonymous said...

This quote from the Blogprof deserves some further examination.
"So basically what is happening is a huge transfer of wealth from the productive to the unproductive, which will have the effect of incentivizing non-productivity while punishing productivity."

Most people who hear or read those words assume that the wealth redistribution is going to the poor and those most needy. The truth is by the time this redistributed wealth passes through the federal, state and local bureaucracies, there are only crumbs left for the people the programs were intended to help. The majority of the money goes to employ bureaucrats with fat salaries and very lucrative pensions and heath plans.

Adrienne said...

Bunkerville - sometimes I think Levin is a bit over the top but he captured the spirit of Obama perfectly in this rant...

Adrienne said...

Jim - that's the same reason I don't like huge charities like United Way.

Most charity should be handled as close to the source as possible. It's the reason we don't contribute to the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)annual drive. While we have many fine bishops, we also have many who have been influenced by Marxist thinking (a problem in most churches now), and the money they collect is doled out to mostly community organizing groups. The only one they dumped was ACORN but the rest of the groups are just as bad.

Maggie Thornton said...

Great post Adrienne. That obscure plant in Michigan you mentioned. He gave them $300 Million dollars. They created 150 jobs, costing taxpayers $2Million per job. Disgraceful! Thanks for the good links.


Anonymous said...

Taxing the rich, is nothing but an eye for and eye policy that will leave the whole world blind.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

I walk every morning with a lefty who will vote for Obama again. My friend is only for getting even with the rich for having what he doesn't. It's a sad commentary.

Reaganite Independent said...

Thanks Adrienne~

I did endorse Bachmann for the Straw Poll, but will keep an open mind about Perry. I've got reservations and do prefer Bachmann, but his jobs record might be just the ticket to victory

I would like him to explain his past positions on DREAM act, Muslims, etc

Lisa said...

Love Levin, hate Obama. I still can't believe he actually said that. (Actually can, but don't want to believe it).

Always On Watch said...

Meanwhile, BHO and family are looking forward to vacationing at Martha's Vineyard. Even the liberal columnists are squawking about that upcoming vacation. Why? Because they can feel the ground swell of the American people becoming more and more fed up with Obama's elitist attitude -- and his shirking of his job.

I wish that we were closer to November 2012. American voters' memories are short, and I want them to remember the behaviors that Obama is exhibiting right now -- not the "reformed" behaviors we'll likely see closer to the election.

Amusing Bunni said...

This shuck & jive meister has more BS than a farm barn.
He has made SO much money off usurping the WH. He should tax himself, or at least PAY for ALL his and the gaggle of grifters he hangs with vacays.

He's to much of a megalomanic to tone down all his crap, even though his lefty water carriers tell him to.....which will make it easier to vote the bum out.