Monday, August 15, 2011

Some thoughts...

from one of my favorite blogger buddies, Blue.

One of my favorite things about Blue is his ability to say a lot with very few words.  With my Italian heritage, that has never been an option for me.  We talk, and talk, and talk, and then we talk some more.  And after that we talk even more. We are the Niagara Falls of talk.

Blue is different.  Except when he gets really frustrated.  And then he sounds like he might have a tad of Italian in him.

From Blue: 

Random opinions on political things....

Rant on.

I think that most politicians are the same.  I think that most will do whatever is necessary to perpetuate their time in office.  They will lie, cheat, and steal to stay in office and collect their salary and benefits.  They've got a good thing going.   They will do anything to retain their entitlement status.  Do read the rest
God bless you, Blue...


A Pissed Off Irishman said...

Cool blog, I enjoyed reading it.
Tried to be a follower bu the thing didn't work

Blue said...

Adrienne.... You are too kind :)