Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My email to Mike Crapo (R-ID)

Dear Senator Crapo,

I took time out from my busy schedule to attend a "meet and greet" with in Coeur d'Alene before the last election.  Based on what I heard my vote was cast for you.

During the Kubuki theater that occurred in Washington concerning the debt ceiling, I did my best to ignore the fact that you embarrassed the state of Idaho by being one of the "gang of six." 

It is impossible to ignore, however, the agreement reached with the Democrats on the debt ceiling which includes a committee being formed to make recommendations on spending cuts - the so-called "Super Congress." 

If I understand this correctly, this committee of six Republicans and six Democrats will decide where and how much will be cut from the budget.  This will be presented to the House, who will have only the power of an up and down vote with no ability to offer amendments. If they vote no, automatic "triggers" will be released, none of which are too palatable. Am I correct, so far?

If you are not one of the Republicans on this committee, then you are not really representing me. I have been effectively disenfranchised.   I voted for you to represent me, not some committee that would make the likes of a Vladimir Lenin proud. 

Please explain to me how this committee can even be considered constitutionally legal.  Are we not all to be represented by whom we elected or is this just reserved for special interests and "elites."

You appeared to be a level-headed and concerned person who held the best interests of this country as your number one goal. That's why I voted for you.  Let me repeat - I voted for you, not some committee of inside the beltway types.

Now if I've completely gotten this wrong, please feel free to enlighten me.

I am posting this on my blog, Adrienne's Corner, and will be happy to print your response.


Adrienne Streeter
Post Falls, ID


Blue said...

Good job, Young Lady! :)

Randy-g said...

Please let me know when and if he answers you Adrienne(young lady). This entire has me worried, confused, and a bit PO'd.