Monday, August 8, 2011

It's Monday...

and Obama hides.  

He will, however, find time for a few fund raisers. 

Breaking:  Obama to make a really stupid statement at 1 pm ET. 

Did I mention he had time for a relaxing game of golf on Sunday? 

If we have to tolerate this insanity we should at least do it with a full and happy tummy.  In that light, allow me to introduce you to the best grilled corn I've ever eaten.

A few weeks ago I ran into a recipe that called for soaking the corn in salt water before grilling.  Hmmmmmmm.  Maybe you guys have heard of that, but somehow that piece of info escaped my beady little eyes.  I did my usual careful research and combining all my new knowledge, this is what I came up with:

I stripped the outer husks of the corn down to the paler ones.  I left most the silk on as many sites promised it would pull right out after grilling (it did.)  I crammed it into a pot filled with cold water and a whole bunch of salt for several hours.  It fit snugly in the pot which kept it underwater so I didn't have to turn it. 

I grilled my marinated pork chops first and popped them in the oven to keep warm and threw the corn on the grill.  With only a few turns and after about 10 minutes we pulled off the husks, brushed on melted butter and some Kosher salt and enjoyed the sweetest and juiciest corn we've ever eaten.

Next to try?

If you'd made it this far, may I recommend one of the best things I've read this morning?  Of course I can - it's my blog.

 Big Fur Hat at iOwnTheWorld does a major fisking of a liberal loon and it will make your heart sing: 

Poor Lizzie




Mark D. said...

Squeeze the juice of half a lime into the salt water before soaking the corn. Try it just once...

Adrienne said...

Mark - ok - that sounds good.

Did you know about the salt water soak?