Saturday, July 23, 2011

Obama "summons" the other branches of government, "demands" explanation...

while we wait with bated breath for the latest press conference.

Maybe you're waiting with bated breathe, but I think I'll sit this one out.  Listening to the entire 31 minutes of Obama spewing nonsense yesterday has taxed my ability to suffer through even more of his blah, blah.

Allow me to add a bit to my prediction:  
At the end of this Kabuki theater, we will have higher taxes, more spending, no significant cuts, and the debt ceiling will once again be raised.
About that "gang of six" proposal.  Could it have been the plan for them to present a proposal asking for higher taxes, thereby giving Obama the idea to renege on his original deal, giving Boehner the ability to call off the negotiations?  Obama raised his bet after the "gang of six" threw their chips on the table.

I voted for Mike Crapo, one of the "gang", and have had conversations with him.  He didn't appear to be a "raising taxes" kind of person. There is something going on that we don't know.  Actually, there's alot going on we don't know.

T. Christopher, over at Republican Redefined, has the best summary of the debt negotiations I've read today.

President Obama: More Full of Crap than the Hudson River

I hope I'm wrong about my prediction but at my advanced age, I've heard this song and dance for much longer than most of my readers.

If Obamba thought this was such an "urgent matter", perhaps he should have spent less time on the golf course, throwing lavish parties, and taking multiple vacays.  Just sayin'...


New York Post:  Man-made disaster: Debt-fight debacle

Sarah Speaks:

Lame Duck President

by Sarah Palin on Friday, July 22, 2011 at 7:11pm
After listening to the President’s press conference today, let’s keep in mind the following:

This is the same president who proposed an absurdly irresponsible budget that would increase our debt by trillions of dollars, and whose party failed to even put forward a budget in over 800 days! This is the same president who is pushing our country to the brink because of his reckless spending on things like the nearly trillion dollar “stimulus” boondoggle. This is the same president who ignored his own debt commission’s recommendations and demonized the voices of fiscal sanity who proposed responsible plans to reform our entitlement programs and rein in our dangerous debt trajectory. This is the same president who wanted to push through an increase in the debt ceiling that didn’t include any cuts in government spending! This is the same president who wants to slam Americans with tax hikes to cover his reckless spending, but has threatened to veto a bill proposing a balanced budget amendment. This is the same president who hasn’t put forward a responsible plan himself, but has rejected reasonable proposals that would tackle our debt. This is the same president who still refuses to understand that the American electorate rejected his big government agenda last November. As I said in Madison, Wisconsin, at the Tax Day Tea Party rally, “We don’t want it. We can’t afford it. And we are unwilling to pay for it.”

Now the President is outraged because the GOP House leadership called his bluff and ended discussions with him because they deemed him an obstruction to any real solution to the debt crisis.

He has been deemed a lame duck president. And he is angry now because he is being treated as such.

His foreign policy strategy has been described as “leading from behind.” Well, that’s his domestic policy strategy as well. Why should he be surprised that he’s been left behind in the negotiations when he’s been leading from behind on this debt crisis?

Thank you, GOP House leaders. Please don’t get wobbly on us now.

2012 can’t come soon enough.

- Sarah Palin


Abbey's Road said...

Adrienne: This might interest you. Feel free to link ....

Abbey ♥

Anonymous said...

Yep, it's all a show.

Mark D. said...

An example of the degeneration that has set in to our Republic. The president of the United States is head of the executive branch. The president is not the head of the government (even though the office is sometimes represented as such). Our government has four heads: the president, the chief justice of the United States, the speaker of the House of Representatives, and the president of the Senate (the VP of the US). These are the heads of our tri-parte, bicameral government. The president cannot summon these other office-holders: the are co-equal to him in our constitutional structure.

The imperial trappings of the presidency need to stop. They are dangerous to republican (with a small-r) virtue and a direct threat to the kind of balanced government that our Founders designed.