Monday, July 11, 2011

Obama sounds more like Captain Queeg every day...

is he becoming completely unhinged? 

Best-selling authors?  Really??  Maybe if it was best-selling authors who owned private jets and drilled for oil on the side I could kind of understand it. 

From Real Clear Politics:

Obama Warns Best-Selling Authors: You're Not "Off The Hook"

President Obama wants to let you know that no one is getting off the hook. Be it CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, corporate jet owners, hedge fund managers, or .... best-selling authors? Yes:

We weren't balancing the budget off of middle-class families and working-class families. And we weren't letting hedge fund managers or authors of best-selling books off the hook. That is a reasonable proposition.  view the video of Obama if you have the stomach for it
H/T Weasel Zippers

Definite resemblance...

And promises to raise taxes in 2013.  Whooooeeeee - now there's a real good reason to vote this poseur back into office.  
“You hear folks saying, the President shouldn’t want massive, job killing tax increases when the economy is this weak.” 
“Nobody’s looking to raise taxes right not, we’re talking about potentially 2013 and the out years.”

H/T Red Dog Report


LSP said...

Obama? Never ending source of genius.

Must hurry up and write best selling novel -- while it still pays...

Randy-g said...

How can anyone vote for this creep ever again?

Terry Nelson said...

He's just like Dayton.

Matt said...

What can you say, the man is a whackjob?

Subvet said...

He'll still be "reelected", look for ballot box stuffing, computer malfunctions, voter intimidation by SEIU & other thugs, this is only the start of the dirty tricks list.

There's also the possibility of a national "emergency" necessitating the imposition of martial law.

Thank God for the 2nd Amendment. We'll soon see the need of it.

Amusing Bunni said...

The pea brained puke is COMPLETELY unhinged. He's a babbling idiot. He should rip the band aid off his baggy ass, and put it over his mouth!

Always On Watch said...

I submit that Obama is on cocaine. What else could explain his weight loss, his burgeoning ego, and his delusion?

Always On Watch said...

Um, isn't Obama a bestselling author? So, WTH is he talking about?

Adrienne said...

LSP - he sounds absolutely certifiable to me. When you get that book written just form an offshore corp to hide your gazillions of dollars. Other than a few authors like Stephen King, "best selling authors" don't usually make boat loads of money.

Adrienne said...

Randy - exactly how could anyone have voted for him the first time?

Adrienne said...

Terry - Mark Dayton is a bit unhinged. Ok - he's batshit crazy!

Adrienne said...

Matt - it drugs...

Adrienne said...


Adrienne said...

Bunni - perfectly expressed. Thank you...

Adrienne said...

AOW - I don't think he needs to stoop so low as to imbibe in street powder anymore. That being said, there is no doubt in my mind that his doctor is shooting him up every day with "vitamins." Wink, wink. He may do a bit of blow on party nights.

I've always believed he was on drugs. And I also believe he's on the "down low."

My goal is to live long enough to read the tell-all books that are sure to come out.