Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is it Kubuki Theater in Washington...

or is it for real?

I don't have much faith the Republicans are going to do the right thing.  Neither does Stacy McCain.  The Vicious Jackals Are Planning to Screw Us Over (But You Already Knew That)

In case you missed it:  

With more and more of the pukes in Washington blathering about a "balanced budget amendment, I urge you to read Publius Huldah's post:

Why the “Balanced Budget Amendment” is a Hoax – and a Deadly Trap

Headline and story of the day: 

 (I never met an alliteration I didn't love)

On a Sad Note:

Bungalow Bill's beloved dog, Kayleigh, died last night.  So sad!

Kayleigh November 1, 2003-July 13, 2011 Rest in Peace Beautiful Girl

Other news:

At 9:46 pm on July 14th  13th, a family member slipped completely into full blown psychosis.  I highly doubt it's reversible.  

That's all...


Amusing Bunni said...

RR's Post title is GREAT, Adrienne!

It's worse than peewee's playhouse in Wash. Widdle baby bammy thinks he can lie, threaten, & stomp his feet, and everyone will cave, well, people ARE calling him out now.
You'll LOVE this vid.

Too bad about your family member going mental, maybe they got it from the dems in WH!

Reaganite Independent said...

Thank you much Adrienne n Bunni... oh my, what his parents must have done to him!

Or was it Uncle Frank that really screwed him up good...

Old Bob said...

Apt alliteration always amplifies arguments' acuity.
THANKS for these posts!
Take care and God bless!

Old Bob said...

Am I missing something? 9:46 pm on July 14th hasn't happened yet, at least here in the States.

Adrienne said...

Bob - awesomely appropriate alliteration. Thanks

P.S. And thanks for the catch of the date. All fixed...

Adrienne said...

Bunni - on my way to watch video.

Family member definitely affected by Socialists and Communists...

Adrienne said...

RR - "Uncle Frank that really screwed him up good"

Not touching that one...

Blue said...

sounds like a sibling slipped? you knew it was gonna happen. :)

Adrienne said...

Blue - you have no idea...some really despicable behavior!