Sunday, May 29, 2011

Let's elect two sad little homosexual creatures Prom king and queen...


H/T Moonbattery


Anonymous said...

Catholics = KKK

Priscilla said...

OMG I just watched that on Moonbattery. Disgusting. I couldn't even finish watching the whole thing.

I just saw another stupid thing.
The National Anthem was disrespectfully mutilated by a couple of performers. I could hardly watch. At least the flyover drowned out a lot of the sound.

Priscilla said...

I forgot to say it was at the indianapolis 500.

Anonymous said...

Allwe need now is a gay president!

Subvet said...

The most significant item in the story was the reluctance of anyone disagreeing with the election to be publicly identified. Evidently the tactics of intimidation practiced by Prop. 8 opponents in California has had an effect.

We who believe in traditional morality will soon find ourselves in a "put up or shut up" position. Fence sitting and anonymity will no longer be possible.

I thank God I live in Texas where there is strong support for the 2nd Amendment. It'll come in handy for many of us in the near future.

Timeshare Jake said...

How can you elect one a king and one a queen when both are queens?

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

I have nothing against gays, or if they are prom king or queen. I love everyone and wish the best for them, no matter what. I couldn't even tell you who was prom king or queen at my high school prom, so in the scheme of things. does this really matter?

Reaganite Independent said...

I'm starting to think Iran handles this issue better than we do lol

Jenny said...

so glad most of the white, racist, bigoted, homophobic, segment of the population is OLD. soon they will no longer exist. youth rules. old people are stupid. the religion right has become the equivalent of the KKK to equal rights for gays.

Subvet said...

Jenny, your comment would merit greater attention if it followed basic rules of English punctuation and grammar. But maybe your fifth grade class hasn't covered that yet.

Stogie said...

This story mirrors a recent "Glee" episode in which a gay male is voted Prom Queen.

Anonymous said...

I'm only 33, but I can remember a time when being voted prom queen would be the ultimate insult to a guy.

What I find most telling is the people who refused to comment on camera out of fear. I did some posts a while back on the gay agenda and it's communist roots. I received more hateful email on those posts than everything else I've done combined.

Specter said...

Accepting the gay lifestyle is all feel-goody and touchy-feely, but in the end it's just another thing that will make our Empire fall. Being openly gay is anything but new.

News flash for progressives: History always repeats itself whether you like it or not, or are aware of it or not. The only difference between now and then is the fact that we don't call homosexual-killing barbarians "Huns" anymore.

KOOK said...

@anonymous: We have had at least one Gay president, and I am about 80% convinced we currently have one.