Friday, May 27, 2011

It's Friday...

a good day for stealing.

I lifted this from fellow blogger and friend LarryD of Acts of the Apostasy, because not all of my readers ( I love you all!) visit Larry.  And a shame that is, because Larry is one of the most brilliantly funny and insightful people anyone could have the honor of reading.

I've spent the entire morning, from 4:30am to 7:00am, reading articles that were profoundly disturbing and depressing.  Most of these articles chronicled events impossible for me to change, which is the most disturbing and depressing part of the whole shebang.

How about taking 9 minutes this morning to watch something guaranteed to remind you that America is still populated with mostly decent people.

"The Grand Rapids LipDub Video was filmed May 22nd, with 5,000 people, and involved a major shutdown of downtown Grand Rapids, which was filled with marching bands, parades, weddings, motorcades, bridges on fire, and helicopter take offs. It is the largest and longest LipDub video, to date.

This video was created as an official response to the Newsweek article calling Grand Rapids a "dying city." We disagreed strongly, and wanted to create a video that encompasses the passion and energy we all feel is growing exponentially, in this great city. We felt Don McLean's "American Pie," a song about death, was in the end, triumphant and filled to the brim with life and hope." - Rob Bliss, Director & Executive Producer(Source)



Larry Denninger said...

Thanks for the link, Duchess!

But don't think that this gets you any bonus bishball points or nothin'! LOL!

Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

What great fun that was. I have many cousins that live there.

Anonymous said...

That was super! I'm proud of my fellow Michiganders!

Reaganite Independent said...


Have a great Memorial Day, and pray for our soldiers... as I know you will

Anonymous said...

what's wrong with your video posts? Too big. Fit them to the screen. Old and stupid!!!!!

christian soldier said...

WOW-great-heart moving video-my home state is not dead yet- looks like she is coming alive-!!
Now-if we can get my other state CA-to turn around -I would be truly over-joyed!