Thursday, May 5, 2011

The grocery store as school...

a brilliant comparison.

Our modern day "warehouses for mediocrity" (aka schools), suck up taxpayer dollars in higher and higher amounts and, in most cases, turn out an inferior product.  The politicians and unions insist the solution is to throw more money at the problem when the real solution is to simply privatize the schools.

Mr. Boudreaux, over at WSJ, gives us a crystal clear picture of exactly how this works.  

 If Supermarkets Were Like Public Schools
Donald J. Boudreaux
What if groceries were paid for by taxes, and you were assigned a store based on where you live?
Teachers unions and their political allies argue that market forces can't supply quality education. According to them, only our existing system—politicized and monopolistic—will do the trick. Yet Americans would find that approach ludicrous if applied to other vital goods or services. read it all

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