Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A few things to do while I'm gone...

not forever loony lefty trolls (you wish.)

Busy day ahead. First we have to vote the for the tea party candidates in the school board election. Then hubby is having a echocardiogram this afternoon.  His reward for being a good boy at the hospital will be a trip to Costco with his beautiful wife.  We'll be there during the height of the demo schedule so he's good with the idea. 

There were so many good things to read today but I don't have time to link them all right now.  Here's a few that should keep you busy and informed until I return.

Subvet, over at Blowing San #1, reminds us that The Persecution Game is on, NOW!
Within his article is a link to my favorite Redneck who has written a brilliant article about modernism in the Church  Dance With the Devil--or--The Anticchrist Mambo. 
 I often speak about the Marxist influence in all the churches.  This is not something confined to the Catholic Church.  All the churches are being infiltrated by the concept of "social justice", while removing the beauty and dignity of worship.

In Texas the infiltrators got a bit noisy and interrupted Pastor John Hagee's service shouting anti-Israel slogans. His sin? He devoted an entire service to honoring Israel.  Good for you Pastor Hagee.

Protesters Interrupt TX Church Service to Shout Anti-Israel Slogans

Mind Numbed Robot wrote a piece I  (and just about everyone else in the blogoshpere) linked, entitled Defining America.  College student Kristen has used a refutation of that article for a college assignment.  The results are interesting:

College Student Responds to “Defining “American”" – Unwittingly Provides Proof of Generational Training 

Why does this not surprise me?

Letter Questioning Boehner's Catholicism Connected to Soros

I hate to keep repeating this, but repetition is at the heart of learning:  Play nice while I'm gone (which does not include the duty to lambaste my troll if he/she/it shows up), use your indoor voices, and keep the sand in the sandbox.




robot said...

Thanks for the linkage Mi-Lady. Hope all goes well at the doc's office.

Subvet said...

Thanks for the link-love. Enjoy your day!