Monday, May 16, 2011

Allen West - "I can't stand the guy"


Allen West is referring to the remarks made by our current president while in Texas concerning illegal immigration. Pure joy delivered in 19 seconds.

H/T Weasel Zippers

See Also:  Obama: Classless, Clueless, and Crude...


Randy-g said...

Can we start a draft West thingy now?

Blue said...

wow. :)

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

There is an unafraid MAN and not a wimp politician.

Amusing Bunni said...

Amen to that!

Old Bob said...


Conservative Pup said...

I LOVE this man. He is genuine, honest to the core, and is fearless. LOVE this! Thanks.

Patrick Button said...

Col. West is awesome!

christian soldier said...

Been supporting him since the beginning opf his -I hope- very long political 'career'..
His straight talk and honor has earned him a place on my very short list of Rs whom I respect!

Thank you-again- for putting my site on your roll..

Zilla said...

That clip is a classic!
You know how some people have one issue that's a huge deal for them as it pertains to who they want to vote for? Well my huge issue is of course the islamic menace, which is why I like Allen West so much, but he intends to honor the promises he made to the people who elected him to Congress and will not run for POTUS his time around. As much as I wish he would run, I respect his commitment. I've been looking for someone in the GOP field who understands the big issue I care about, and the other big issues that accompany it, which would be foreign policy, supporting Israel, and immigration, and I think I found my candidate, it's Rick Santorum.
And he's a devoted prolife family man with the bonus of also being Catholic. I'm curious as to what others think about him.