Wednesday, April 6, 2011

That giant sucking sound...

is me working on our taxes.  Finally!

Ok - it won't be as bad as I ever think it will be (except for the year my hubby double-counted our income and I wondered how in he** we made so much money, or the year he added his W2's in with his business income which created a semi-doubling of the income, but luckily, the bookkeeper caught that one - it necessitated filing a amended return, or the  year he morphed the PayPal account with the bank account in one big blob on Quicken - which is not exactly the definition of "double entry" bookkeeping, or - oh never mind.)

Understand this - I'm the girl who never could master her multiplication tables (really) and he understands logarithms (logo-whats??)   To his credit, he gets a bit better each year, and I have learned to anticipate the strange goings-on.  I mean, how bad can it really be if we're still happily (outside of tax season) married after 33 years?   


I'm pleased to know that our current president will be spending some quality time with one of his home-boys people BFF, the Rev. Al Sharpton, race-baiter extraordinaire,
A couple of race-baiters enjoying quality bonding time.  Too cute by half.
but not before visiting a Spanish owned wind-turbine plant in Pennsylvania. I can't wait until we run our country on windmills. 

Our future energy source

In other very important news, it appears the police had to pepper spray an out of control 8-year old who was threatening to kill his teacher.  It was reported he was working on his taxes when the violent assault occurred.

Bob Belvedere tells us to "put on our big people panties and get real about how we live." except he says it much nicer than I did. 
MOTUS, in all her refractive glory, sums up the entire budget problem. 

I'm sure there's much more but the calculator calls. 

As Always: Play nice while I'm gone, use your indoor voices, and keep the sand in the sandbox!

P.S. I have removed comment moderation.  If my ugly, vile, and very ignorant troll shows up, please kick his/her a** for me.  Thank you.