Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spot on Quote of the Day... w/ Update

came from across the breakfast table.

"If it's real news, it will come back." response to my complaint that my Google Reader's news section was over 500 items in just a few hours.  In frustration the delete button was employed and the entire thing hit the recycle bin.


Hubby really wants me to make sure that you all understand the above brilliance was from him and not some boyfriend or such sitting across from me at breakfast.  He tried to make a bit of a joke about it, but I could tell his fragile male ego was bruised and battered and not about the boyfriend (he demands that any boyfriends acquired should be rich), but about the quote.

So - just to be very, very clear:  It was my brilliant husband who is responsible for the quote of the day - and I thank him.

And just in case someone out there doesn't think I'm a serious person, allow me to confirm their opinion:  I will be in front of my TV at 2am PDT on Friday to watch the royal wedding. 

If you need something intelligent to read:

A guest post by Kyle-Anne Shiver at Reaganite Republican with which I heartily concur:   The Chord Donald Trump Strikes
Pundette:    Obama Trumped


Abbey's Road said...

I don't care what people say, I ADORED Princess Diana, I am "royally struck", I love the Monarchy, and if reincarnation were possible, I would want to be a Princess! I will think of you as I drink my strong coffee (my fav - dark and rich, coffee, that is). I, too and rising at 3 a.m. and will be recording the entire day!

I can't believe Princess Diana's oldest is getting married. He's the same age as my son. And my son isn't married, yet.

Abbey ♥

Ken & Carol said...

You know they will repeat the whole thing several times the following day. Right?

Adrienne said...

Abbey - Thank you for joining me for the festivities...

Adrienne said...

Ken/Carol - it's just not the same...

Mary Ellen said...

The only thing I'm curious about is what her dress looks like. I never liked Diana's seemed to bury her and hide her real beauty. Other than that, there would be no way that I would stay up late to watch the affair. I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures on the news.

Adrienne said...

Mary Ellen - I so agree with you about Diana's dress. Those huge mutton sleeves and the tiara squashing her hair. It was because she was young and shy and didn't stand up for herself and let the "experts" do what they wanted.

Kate, on the other hand, is not likely to be pushed around by anyone and she already has an exquisite taste in fashion. I have heard she will be wearing her hair down but without a bunch of hair on her forehead it can work quite well with a tiara (if she wears one.)