Saturday, February 26, 2011

The more things change the more they stay the same...

Browsing around my reader this morning led me to one of the most insightful articles I've had the pleasure of reading in quite some time.

It seems lately some of the right-wing pundits are becoming as hysterical as the loony left.  Tabloid style headlines screaming one thing and the body of the article saying something else, or in some cases, the story so sensationalized as to be laughable.  Sometimes, the rapid-fire way in which bloggers jump on something in order to be "first" with the news is dangerous.  People can get hurt when news is sensationalized in order to improve ones SEO.

In the age of the internet, we have become so bombarded with information that sorting it out is a full time job.  While I can see the value of tweeting (in a very limited venue), it is something I don't personally wish to do.  Nor do I have a fancy phone, and rarely even turn on my ancient little flip phone (yes - there are still some around.)  That doesn't mean that at some time in the future I may turn to these technologies, but for now I'm content with my desk top computer.  It feeds me more than enough cr*p to keep me in a state of flight-or-fight all dang day.

LarryD, at Acts of the Apostasy, reminds us all of what's really important in his insightful and beautifully written article I Have Seen the Future, and It Looks Just Like the Past.

He also garners the coveted Quote of the Day award:
These are heady times for us because, well, these are the times in which we live. We're living the history of our great-grandchildren, and the sense that it's crumbling beneath our feet is very real. I don't need to give a litany of the myriad of problems and challenges before us - as individuals, as communities, as a nation, as a world. It seems that the entire Earth is on fire, and the hydrants are gushing gasoline. Our job, though, as followers of Christ is not so much to put out the flames, as it is to rescue the trapped and console the victims.  read entire article

 Allow me offer abject apologies (which are the very deepest and heartfelt of all the apologies) for referring to Doug Ross as Doug Powers in yesterday's article (thanks anon for the heads up.)  That's what happens when you blog when tired.  I hope he will forgive me. 

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