Friday, February 18, 2011

Idaho moving forward with education reform...

teachers not happy.  Tough.

Idaho Senate panel passes heavily-opposed education reform measures

BOISE – A controversial plan to raise school class sizes in Idaho while boosting technology and teacher merit pay cleared a Senate committee late Thursday, after two weeks of intense hearings that saw strong public opposition to the move.

The key piece of the package squeaked through the Senate Education Committee on a 5-4 vote. That measure, SB 1113, contains the most-disputed pieces: The increases in class sizes in grades 4-12, online high school course requirements, and laptop computers for students. read it all

I don't know anyone who "heavily opposes this reform. Not one person...


Nampa police: Tom Luna threatened, vehicle vandalized

NAMPA — Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna's vehicle was vandalized overnight at his Nampa home and he and his family have received threats, he told police. read the rest
 Think on this, folks.  If this is how so-called educated teachers behave (just check out their behavior in Wisconsin), imagine what would happen in this country if the government tried to cut welfare.  Ugly.

And how about the economic impact of teachers "calling in sick" and closing whole school districts.  How many citizens were unable to go to their jobs because their kids weren't in school? 


Mark D. said...

Education reform is one of the critical issues now -- it address so many of the problems affecting our public sector. Bloat, entitlement, the certification racket, the collapse of public spiritedness by public employees, out of control public employee salaries, union corruption and politicization, etc. And that doesn't even get the problems with, you know, actually teaching children. The list is virtually endless.

Blue said...

What would Ronnie Reagan do?

Remember the Air Traffic Controllers strike?

I miss Ronnie.

Anonymous said...

Ronald Reagan wouldn't support education reform. He wanted to kill the Department of Education (Source: and many other pages, everywhere). Why would he support something that aims to put more power in the governments hand?
I really hate it when people claim Reagan for all their idealistic dreams. Here are some stuff about our great president you probably didn't know. He called for people to vote AGAINST a bill that would take away Gay's rights. (Source: along with being surprisingly friendly to gays never passing or even mentioning anything that would take away their rights. He wasn't fiscally responsible, he started the latest deficit spending trend(source:

I'm not saying he wasn't a good guy. His tax cuts and other economic ideas were genius, and drew the country right out of a recession (and then set it up for another one with mass deficit spending) and is one of my favorite presidents. But come on, don't champion him for stuff that he's not.