Friday, February 25, 2011

Governor Walker has displayed admirable restraint...

by not throwing the protesters trashing the state capitol in jail.

From the Mpls Star-Trib:
Protesters will have to clear out of the state Capitol by the end of the weekend so custodians can clean the building after days of nonstop demonstrations, officials announced Friday.  read it all
The most interesting thing was reading all 101 comments (as of 5:45 pm Pacific time) and finding that approximately 90 of them not in favor of the unions or the people being allowed to sleep in the capitol.  In the Twin Cities?  Amazing!

Keeping it classy in Wisconsin:


Maggie@MaggiesNotebook said...

I doubt the building will ever be the same!

Zilla said...

Adrienne, I noticed that you've been on fire lately, great work! I have some linky love for you over at my place: