Wednesday, January 12, 2011

RealClearPolitics - Video - Mark Levin Responds To Attack From Chris Matthews, MSNBC

 After reading hundreds of comments on many different sites,  I will have to concede that liberalism is indeed a mental disorder.  It reminds me of some of the computer generated videos about liberalism where the little cartoon liberal keeps saying. "I don't care" as answer to any actual facts presented by the conservative.

The irrational meme continues that for some reason, Sarah Palin is 99% responsible for a shooting perpetrated by a person who is most likely a paranoid schizophrenic.  The other 1% of blame is shared by Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Michael Savage, and all people who have a love for this country.  

When a person's response to reality is to metaphorically place their hands over their ears, close their eyes, and say, "la la la la la, I can't hear you",  you are dealing with a person who may be as seriously disturbed as Jared Loughner. 
Remind a liberal of the "vitriol" (the lefts new favorite word) spewing forth from the president, and their response is, "I don't care."  In their minds it is perfectly acceptable for the president to say, "they bring a knife, we bring a gun."  

 Obama is winging his way to Arizona where he will read from a teleprompter and try his best to "act presidential."  Good luck with that, Barry. 

 "Defending ourselves against what? Some a-hole on MSLSD with no numbers, no ratings, no audience, no substance, no common sense making an allegation. We know without question that the murderer in Tucson was mentally ill, a liberal pothead and all the rest of it. We know this for a fact."  Mark Levin in response to the latest attack by Chris Matthews

American Thinker: Incitement to Tyranny
The big-government cultists' reaction to the Arizona madman's rampage couldn't possibly have been more predictable.  Mounting a "never let a crisis go to waste" assault on the nation's airwaves, liberals have spun this tragic and insane act exactly as an unnamed Democrat source told Politico they should: "They need to deftly pin this on the tea partiers. ... Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma City bombing on the militia and anti-government people." read the rest

American Thinker:   The Media Has Declared... WAR!
The media is a massive failure spawned by the hate-filled humanities departments of our major universities.

"Why" is no longer a question to most of the media.  The media knows "why."  It just needs backing to say it.  Put it this way: when a reporter goes on a story, he/she is not seeking to ask questions that will provide a story; he/she is seeking answers to questions that will fill the story he/she has already chosen to write.  The media at large is openly choosing to do a story that will forever diminish conservatives and white men.  It is simply seeking the quotes and attribution to fill this story.  It is not covering events; it's mining for proof.  read the rest

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