Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jared Loughner is clearly unhinged...

and that should end the discussion.

But I'm sure on this morning's TV shows the talking heads will be at their sanctimonious best with the blah-blah this and blah-blah that.  Reason number 14,025 not to watch.  And after reading several hundred comments on the latest Yahoo article re: Giffords, I'm thinking the number of unhinged in this country is growing exponentially.

Quote of the Day:
"Speech is an expression of thought.  It can be saintly and inspiring.  It can be venomous and painful.  It can comfort.  It can edify.  It can cause laughter.  It can educate.  It can repulse.  But unfortunately, our society continues to grow in the belief that among our many blessed freedoms is a freedom not to be offended, and like most pernicious lies that make some of us feel better, we not only believe in this freedom not to be offended, we believe that it trumps other freedoms."
 From: "Freedom in the Crosshairs" by Blackiswhite, Imperial Consigliere  Read the entire and very fine article 
 H/T Nice Deb


Blog Prof lays to rest any thoughts you may have about the loony left:    That was fast: Detroit Free Press links Sarah Palin to Arizona Shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ)

Byron York:   Journalists urged caution after Ft. Hood, now race to blame Palin after Arizona shootings

Gateway Pundit:   Did Barack Obama Cause the Shootings Yesterday in Tucson?

The Lonely Conservative:   The Politician Who Told Supporters To “Punish Our Enemies”

Joe Newby:   Palin, Beck, Tea Party are not responsible for Giffords shooting

Legal Insurrection:   Two Sicknesses On Display in Arizona


Randy-g said...

None of the above (very good) cited posts and articles will be mention anywhere outside of the conservative blogosphere. Unfortunate, but the left owns and operates the MSM. A twisted world we live in.

Blackiswhite, Imperial Consigliere said...

"Unfortunate, but the left owns and operates the MSM."

Fortunately, we do have a blogosphere...and the Left and the MSM (but I repeat myself) have been losing more and more of their audience since this became true.


Thanks for the shout out.

WomanHonorThyself said...

hi Adrienne..o yea try saying something agains Issslam and swe what the leftards say then! HAPPY SUNDAY my friend..~!



I am greatly humbled to be your featured blog today. :-) More importantly, I'm glad I found your blog as well as another believer who is not ashamed to boldly speak the truth. I look forward to reading you.


Adrienne said...

Randy - it's really hard to not get discouraged. It's like preaching to the choir (except for my crazy troll who wishes me dead.)

Adrienne said...

Blackiswhite - thanks for cheering Randy and me up. We needed that reminder...

Adrienne said...

Angel - no sh*t!!

Adrienne said...

James - you will probably be my featured "blog of the day" for a week or so 'cause that's how us ADD'ers operate. heh

Tracy said...

I said the same thing to my hubby Adrienne.. this young man is clearly sick and I think has been for quite a time, makes you wonder if this could have all been prevented? I'm actually quite surprised they got him alive, in most cases the shooter kills them self before they can be arrested.. irregardless, this is a senseless tragedy.

Adrienne said...

Tracy - I think he was planning for "suicide by cop." In all likelihood he is a paranoid schizophrenic which manifests itself in late adolescence and early 20"s. I think he just got really bad really fast before someone could step in.

The other problem is - many schizophrenics won't take their meds and getting someone confined is almost impossible.

Maggie Thornton said...

There is clearly something "off" about Loughner. Your paranoid schizophrenic diagnosis is probably spot-on Adrienne.

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

It doesn't seem to matter what the facts are in this case, the liberal blogosphere and liberal media will do all they can to block them out. It's impossible to bring forth facts that differ from the views of the left because they won't allow you to comment on their blogs. Huffington Post have "censors" that will take out any comment that does not agree with their agenda.

Anonymous said...

Adrienne, Very nice post. I would really like to say I was surprised at the quickness with which the MSM and far left were to condemn Conservatives for the tragedy, but unfortunately, I'm not surprised in the least.

Already we have a Democrat Congress critter espousing more gun control and another espousing curtailment of freedom of speech. Remember..."Never let a crisis go to waste".

I've added you to my blog roll


Amusing Bunni said...

He's totally unhinged.
I'm also disgusted that the left is using this as an excuse to take away our freedome. We know who really is responsible for the ratcheted rhetoric!
As you linked, Gateway Pundit called it! it's bo.