Thursday, December 30, 2010

I feel sorry for Ezra Klein...

sort of.

Honestly - this guy says something so incredibly stupid that I doubt he will ever escape the derision being heaped on his head.   Not having cable TV, I barely know who some of these people are and wonder what in the world they have done to deserve all the air time they get.  

From the Blast: Ezra Klein: the Constitution is Impossible to Understand Because its Over 100 Years Old  

H/T Memeorandum

But the winner for the Ezra take down goes to Doug Ross with this scathing piece - and we thank him!

From Doug Ross:  No one's buying your pathetic excuses, Ezra Klein: progressives are the enemy of the Constitution as surely as night follows day. 

Washington Post journolist Ezra Klein laid several eggs during a gaffe-filled interview on MSNBC earlier today.

Because the cable channel's ratings now trail reruns of Gilligan's Island and hospital sonograms, no one would have known except for the heroes over at NewsBusters.

They took the bullet for the rest of us and transcribed his statements regarding the new House requirement to read the Constitution at the start of the session. Among his remarks were these timeless gems:  read the rest


Randy-g said...

I just can't feel anything for someone that stupid....

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

Ezra Klein is such a tool.

That was a great article by Doug Ross. Intelligently refreshing compared to that bilge that comes out of MSNBC and the rest of the "Progressive" crowd.

Blue said...

Excellent! :)

Fuzzy Slippers said...

Adrienne, did you see this: ? It's wicked and amusing.

Toaster 802 said...

Das Kapital was written over a hundred years ago, and the socialists have zero problem understanding perfectly it's meaning and implementing Marxist tenants whenever possible.

Disingenuous vermin, every last Demo-rat...