Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dems trying to push through $4.5 Billion School Lunch Bill

Michelle Obama's pet project of changing the menus in schools is supposed to cost $4.5 BILLION dollars.  Why??  To accomplish this seemly arduous task, they plan on cutting the food stamp program.  Does that make even the tiniest bit of sense? 

Pelosi called passing the bill the “right, moral thing for us to do.”  Really?  I didn't know that giving little kids access to salad bars (today's children won't eat salads), is a moral issue.  A better moral issue would be  teaching kids that homosexuality is an intrinsically immoral way of living, not just a "different lifestyle."  Or slaughtering a child in the womb is just a "choice" instead of modern day genocide.   Pelosi's morals, evidenced by her own words in defiance of Catholic Church teachings, are in serious doubt.

The people of this country are so used to schools having cafeterias and handing out free lunches, starting with the concept that children need a "hot" meal,  they can no longer see the underlying issue.  Why exactly do we have lavish kitchens and cafeterias in schools to begin with? 

Here's a really common sense solution.  Rip out the kitchens and replace it with classrooms or another gym.  The children can bring a PB & J  or a tuna sandwich and an apple from home in a little brown paper bag.  And when they're finished eating, the "monitors for the week" can sweep the floors and wipe down the tables. Local dollars can be budgeted to keep a few extras in the break room for those that show up without lunch. If  certain children continue to show up without lunch, it would be indicative of further investigation as to why.
A family receiving food-stamps should be able to provide a simple lunch for their children.  Failure to do this points to the possibility of some other problem in the household.  Mom spending all the money on drugs?  Dad drinking up the food budget?  This is not an onerous solution.  There was a time in this country's  history when children bringing their own lunches was routine. It was simple and cost effective. 

Every single day we wake up to another massive spending bill put forth by the democrats.  Where is this money coming from?  Instead of being worried about the BMI (a very dubious measurement of obesity) of our nations children, perhaps Michelle should try being concerned about the obesity of our federal government. 

More at:

The Blaze: Dems Rallying for First Lady’s $4.5 Billion School Lunch Bill


Charlotte said...

Agree with you 100%.

Charlene said...

Who is going to investigate the families of children who show up to school without their brown bag lunch?

Anonymous said...

I agree that children should not be living with adults who cannot provide decent meals. There are 1000 children in the Washington, DC, area who get all THREE meals a day at school -- and apparently spend their evenings and weekends with lazy, selfish, creeps.

I think that cutting food stamps to provide kids' lunches is a good idea, though. If parents are buying crap with the food stamps, take the money and funnel it into a decent meal for the kids. Or change the law so that only healthy food can be purchased with food stamps.

republicanmother said...

School lunch program was never about poor kids getting fed - it was always about getting the Federal foot in the door of local schools. The decentralized American school system was the secret of it's success, but now we have equally crappy schools everywhere. See Charlotte Iserbyt and John Taylor Gatto.

Mark D. said...

Remember how the school lunch program got started? Milk for students from low-income housing. Then that got expanded to milk for all students, for a small fee. I remember in the first grade taking some money that my mom gave me to school and stopping by the school office and buying a monthly punch card for milk with the money. So, when we went into the cafeteria for lunch, I could get a carton of milk. Soon thereafter, school lunch arrived in full. Canned vegetables, reconstituted "mashed potatoes," mystery meat, lots of ketchup, and a cookie.

Trust me when I say, I much, much, much preferred to have my mom pack my lunch in my trusty Avenger lunchbox and send me off to school than have her hand me $1.25 (at the time) with word that I was to buy my lunch that day. The school lunch food was truly shit.

Randy-g said...

Pelosi has no morals, and Queen Michelle needs to hit the salad bar and gym herself. And find someone with damn fashion sense to help her dress....

Adrienne said...

Char - I'm sick of feeding other people's kids and paying for the kitchen staff and janitors.

Adrienne said...

anon - that's certainly another way of looking at it.

Adrienne said...

repubmom - you know that and I know that. I'm sure there are plenty of other people who know that. The solution is to privatize the schools. Government should have nothing to do with schooling.

John Gatto's book is excellent. I've known for decades that the schools are horrible.

Adrienne said...

Randy - I find it hilarious that she up talking about kid's fat behinds. Good grief - does she own a mirror?

Pelosi is a disgrace and for her to stand up and call herself a "devout" Catholic makes me cringe.

Adrienne said...

Mark - I remember that so well and was thinking about those cute little cartons of milk today.

I was in Catholic schools so we ate what we brought. During Lent we would go to church every morning so we were allowed to bring our "breakfast" which was usually a butter and jelly sandwich. They gave us little cartons of chocolate milk.

In MN the sandwich would freeze on the way to church. To this day I like to take a jelly and butter sandwich and stick it outside for awhile until the jelly and butter have a bit of crunch. So good!

I spent one year in a public school and I can still remember seeing fried bologna. Ewwwwwwww

Adrienne said...

Charlene - a simple note home from the school to start with. Next as part of the parent/teacher conference it can be discussed. If the kid keeps coming without lunch and the parents haven't responded to the notes or are no-shows for the conference, then it clear there is a huge problem in the home. Teachers and schools are mandated by law to report abuse. I call not feeding your kid abuse.

Sarah Oldham said...

You should see the shit lunches here in HI - Obama's State. Yeah, whatevah! I remember the school lunches and the milk punch cards in WA state when I went to school. I did take lunch most of the time. In high school we had a salad bar and it was usually my choice (they did baked spuds now and again as well).

The lunch the government provides through the schools are disgusting and loaded with salt and fat. I've seen very little that is healthy. They put an apple on your plate and call it a balanced lunch - the apple is so you can take a crap later.

Adrienne said...

Sarah - They put an apple on your plate and call it a balanced lunch - the apple is so you can take a crap later.

I laughed so hard I almost choked. Thanks