Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mark Levin: "A Society Has To Be Insane..."

I wasn't planning on posting today but this piece from Doug Ross was outstanding and needs to be linked.  Doug has posted the transcription of the opening segment of The Mark Levin show from November 12th (compliments of Cub Reporter Biff Spackle - and we thank him.)
"Something is happened in the last few days that's gone largely unnoticed. It's right in front of us, and everyone is talking around it, but no one is talking about it in a direct way.
Every single commentator, left, right and in between, is saying that our government does not work. I haven't heard anyone say that government is efficient; that government is doing what it's supposed to do; that government is terrific; no one.

Now this government, in so many ways, is not the government of our Constitution, is it? It is a massive, centralized vacuum that is sucking up pieces of our liberty, large and small, in a thousand different ways." read the rest


Parisienne Farmgirl said...

Oh my gosh. I LOVE MARK LEVIN! In fact, I am such a dork I used to have the on my sidebar with his photo. The man ROCKS!
Never know where to leave my comment - here or the other blog but nonetheless, thank you for your encouraging words about my garden expansion!

Maggie@MaggiesNotebook said...

I don't listen to the lib commentators enough to know what they are saying, but...hello, what they wrought is rot.

Maggie@MaggiesNotebook said...

I see a spam link from me here. Hopefully that is over with the new blog site. As always, my apologies.