Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Laura Schlessinger Erupts on Radio

While I approve almost 100% of the messages promoted by Dr. Laura, I sometimes feel like her approach can be a bit brittle.  However, after hearing only portions of her well modulated rant today since the radio was not turned on in my office, and having my husband (not a Dr. Laura fan) declare her "spot-on", I'll be looking forward to her new show on Sirius XM.

[...]Schlessinger says that Media Matters, along with activists like Sharpton and lawmakers like Rockefeller -- who said recently the Federal Communications Commission should consider shutting down Fox News and MSNBC -- do a disservice to the country, and she has no intention of letting them, or anyone else, shut her up.

"My creative juices are rekindled," she said.  "After having to spend all this time on terrestrial radio with affiliates and advertisers being attacked, you get very distracted. But I just want to forge ahead, even with Al Sharpton asking the FCC to shut down any speech that offends him."

"This is all coming from the Democratic side," she said, noting Rockefeller's political affiliation. "It's very scary. The term 'progressive' always meant to me to progress, not to censor. That Sharpton and Rockefeller want to censor free speech is irrational.  read it all


Subvet said...

I loathe "Dr." Laura.

But when the woman is right, she's right! Good on her for this one!

Mark D. said...

Well, we'll see how successful she is on satellite radio -- it was not good to Howard Stern, for example. I don't see that model working quite yet -- the cost is still too high for something that people are used to getting for free. Eventually that will change, I think, but not yet.

As for her substantive point about the progressives, I'm stunned it has taken her this long to figure this out. Speech codes, censorship, hate crimes law -- those are all leftist ideas created to shut down debate and enforce a stifling uniformity on society. That's what the left is about -- creating a stifling uniformity.

Charlene said...

I don't believe I've ever suffered through any of her broadcasts, but then I don't listen to Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck or any of the talking heads. That's ok somehow I have survived and been able to form my opinions from reading and conversation with people. I hope she is able to resurrect her "creative" juices because making personal attacks on people using old words is a bit boring.

rashid1891 said...

this is good site

rashid2626 said...

Well, we'll see how successful she is on satellite radio