Thursday, November 4, 2010

Color me proud...

for having a link to MOTUS.
(mirror of the United States)

I haz a proud!
It took me a few days to realize that  the famous (and very hard working), Michelle Obama's Mirror blog had added me to her blogroll.  Wow!  Now that's big!  Never mind Drudge, Instapundit, or even Fox News - Motus rules.

My day is always brighter when the Motus link lights up in my Google reader.  Since the Won's in the White House have spent two years calling me (and my friends), racists, stupid, fearful, uninformed, unwashed (oops, that was Katie Couric) bitter, and clinging,  given a chance to witness, through the magic reflection of Moo's mirror, the gaffes and low-class behavior of the Won's who came to save us is, well - fun! 

And the fine line-up of commenters is nothing to sneeze at either.  Granny Jen, who has her outstanding YouTube channel, and   Cripes Suzette to name just a few.  Madame DeFarge always provides great links and Lynn II is clever beyond belief.  And let's not forget Anonymouse, MJ, Michelle Independent, PortiaElizabeth, and Daize.  Thank you all for bringing a bit of humor to my day.  If I've missed anyone (and I'm sure I have since there are so many brilliant folks on MOTUS), you have permission to whack me with one of the coconuts Mumbai is cutting off their trees to keep The Won safe from rabid coconut attacks. 

Is there a resemblance?

Why, yes - yes there is...

1 comment:

Charlene said...

The picture of the kitten is prescious. I share my home with a sweet cat. She is warming my feet as I type right now. SMILE