Thursday, August 19, 2010

This is so powerful...

that I wanted to share it with you.

From Bread Upon the Waters:

Victory for Islamists: The Feet of Muslims Trodding Over Bones and Ashes


Quite Rightly said...

Thank you for helping to carry the message!

Lola said...

It seems that "Cordoba" Spain is home to "Archeological remains" of it's Islamic past.

It was removed from Islamic influence as stated in Wikipedia "On 29 June 1236, after a siege of several months, it was captured by King Ferdinand III of Castile, during the Spanish Reconquista. The city was divided into 14 barrios and numerous new church buildings were added."

Now, it seems that the whole of Europe has rolled over in submission to Islam. Maybe...

Anonymous said...

You know, I don't believe their souls are trapped forever at Ground Zero. Your soul is either in Heaven, in Hell, or in Purgatory, not roaming the earth like some tortured ghost seeking vengeance on the anniversary of your death.

But, this was a great article none the less and I shared it on facebook.