Saturday, August 7, 2010


I just realized that there are probably several generations of people that have never eaten a true vine-ripened tomato and have never heard O Sanctissima.

How sad...

H/T Four Right Wing Wackos


X said...

First time I heard this was 1973 - and it was in public school!

Adrienne said...

I haven't heard that song since high school...

And the so-called "vine-ripened" tomatoes sold in stores are terrible...

Mark D. said...

Yup, you've got to grow your own or know somebody who does in order to get a real vine-ripened tomato. We have a small tomato plant that produces very nice grape tomatoes, and when they are ripe: heaven! Nothing at all like the grape tomatoes you get at the store...

Same with almost any produce. Green beans you grow yourself are green-bean-ier, carrots are carrot-ier, etc. We only have a small garden, but I love the little bits of vegetables we get from it. Much nicer than the stuff from the store.

And as for great Catholic music, the vast majority of Catholics in America are never exposed to it because of the hymnal material in the missalettes don't include it. We get folk songs and some classic hymns of the English language, but very little of the old chants and hymns in Latin. A sad commentary...

Reaganite Independent said...

Thank you Adrienne- very nice

Red said...

Makes me miss being a Catholic ;-) HI Adrienne!

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

Auntie A: Believe it or not, this 50 yr. old priest has actually done both; probably why I am both a priest and monastic today...God is so wonderful; our Lady is such a great Ma; my grandparents and parents were superdoopoo excellent in forming me to understand God's call...vine-ripened tomatoes (we have them here...ecstasy!) and Our Lady! I could write a whole homily on this for the Assumption...maybe, I will, in fact:<)!

Austringer said...

I had my first vine-ripened tomato last week, though the rest of the crop has a week to go before any picking can be done. Nothin' beats favorite variety is Carmello. What's your favorite, Adrienne?

Thankfully I belong to a parish where that song is sung -- you haven't heard it since high school??!! What a shame!

Asark said, it all has to do with the hymnals in use. Our parish uses the "Collegeville Hymnal", which is pretty good, though I see some tinkering here and there (for example, the line "whatsover you do, to the least of my brothers" has been rendered "to the least of my people"). I hear good things about the St. Michael hymnal. I have always thought that parishioners might be able to steer things in the right direction by the donation of new hymnals for a parish.