Friday, March 12, 2010

Sarah Palin Causes Heartburn...

Just because I defend Sarah Palin, doesn't necessarily mean I think she should be president.  In fact, I think she is not  ready for that position (but I may be wrong about that.)  What amazes me is the the lefties  hatred of her, and by extension us. Make no mistake about this - the charges they, the media elites, level at Mrs. Palin, are charges being leveled at the majority of the Americans.  That would be you and me.  The "elites" in Washington think we are stupid.  In time they will be proven wrong...

Obama By Proxy by Dr. Zero
What’s your favorite example of mindless, slavering Palin hatred? The following excerpt comes from a review of Big Love, HBO’s lurid soap opera about a polygamist family: read the rest