Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another peek at our future...

Matthew Archbold, over at Creative Minority Report, bring up some good points about the recent take-over of not only our health care industry, but also snatching the school loan business out from under our noses.

Obamacare Will Harm Catholic Colleges

It's understandable that the legislative debacle known as Obamacare dominated the headlines recently. But something important has gone largely unremarked on though I believe it will have a disastrous impact on the country, especially Catholic and Christian colleges.  read the rest

1 comment:

Abbey's Road said...

"professional freak-outers"?? That is funny, but the story is not. The more I read about things such as this, the sadder I become where it concerns our future in America, Home of the Brave. Conservatives have been complacent too long and the liberals have taken full advantage of that state of mind. Seriously, I have posted a couple of times that what we need is a bona fide REVOLUTION and I'm as serious as butter on a biscuit! 'Nuff said for one day ...

How ya doing? Really love your comments on me blog ... Gracie mille, my friend.

Blessings, Peace, and Love,